Sunday, February 10, 2013

WiFi Hotspot and the fun I'm having with it

Around 6 months ago I picked up the Samsung WiFi hotspot from USCC. It is dual 3G/4G and easily fits in a shirt pocket. I used it mostly at home, for I don't have internet here at the house. (I'm really not here enough to use it) But now that I have picked up the Google Nexus 7, I have been bringing it along with me. It has worked out rather well. I can be riding the bus system here in town and still keep up with whats happening around the tech world.Its nice to know that where ever I go I can hook up and stay connected. Although USCC doesn't sell the Nexus 7, they do supply me with the means of using it... and thats awesome. I have also switched my phone and tablet to using the "Next launcher" I like some of the features. Plus at only 3.4 MB its not a space hog.If you want a really nice launcher stop by the Google Plat Store and pick it up. its $15.99, but its yours forever. Thanks for stopping by, I'm a member of the USCC Customer Crew.