Thursday, May 28, 2015

My how times have changed

I remember back when there was black and white tv's. I remember the family getting our first color tv. It was a marvel for sure. I also remember having a AM raido that I could attach to my (at the time super cool) 3 speed bike. It was red and white. I would listen to the Carpenters on a local staion KBZY in Salem Oregon... I was cool. I would take it with me when I went strawberry picking (Not that I actually did much picking) Randy (My childhood best friend) and I would listen to it all day long. Then we really moved up in the world and my dad came home one day with a Microwave oven. It had a dial that you would turn to set the time. I remember my cousin Carol teasing us about how dinner would be ready in a minute.

If you were to go to a park for the afternoon you would be out of touch with the world all the time you were there. Even the police had to be in their cars to comunicate. My how times have changed. Here I sit in a park, on a bench next to a river. You can't even see a powerline. I am typing this out on a chromebook that is using a Wi-Fi hotspot from my phone to post this.

I have a morning dove cooing and a few other birds chirping in the background. Chipmonks and golden mantel ground squerrels are all around me. If the man fishing in the river in front of me fell in the water or had a heartattack I could call 911 for help, give them the exact GPS location and they would be here in minutes.

Every once in awhile I think its good to just sit back and see just how far we have come. Then I just wonder what my 81 year old father thinks. It is a testament to us humans, we are changing the world, as it should be. Change is the only constant.

My how things have changed

Duck out.

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