Thursday, October 3, 2013

The good, the bad and the ugly of my first Two days with T-Mobile

All things must change and I can not help but have a little sadness in switching from U.S.Cellular (USCC) to T-Mobile. I have been with USCC for 91/2 years, and still am. I have only pulled my main line and my best friend over to T-Mobile. But I fear it wont be long before USCC is no more. When a company is doing good and making advancements they get left alone by the sharks. As a company makes more and more mistakes and starts losing business the sharks begin to swarm... Well they must be swarming around USCC by the dozens.

Over the past 3 months or so they have been trying to fix their billing system... but it looks to be a hole that can't be plugged. I went and talked to T-Mobile a few times and checked their coverage in the areas I am in the most. All looked well, so on Tuesday I took it a step further and asked to get a price on start up. Well it was a tad cheaper than I had thought. After getting one S3 and one S4 with 500MB and unlimited data respectively with trade in T-Mobile owed me $37. Now this is with their 4G LTE. Now they don't have LTE in all areas here in Bend but they have it where I spend most of my time. Then I drop down to their regular 4G, which is still way faster than the 3G I have with USCC.

So on with the good: I have really fast download and upload speeds (24.84 down and 7.95 up) Which beats the crap out of 1.35 down and 0.79 up. Call quality has been great as well. Watching videos or TV shows on the device has been seamless as well. At the store we were in and out in minutes. That was do I think to the fact that when the guy said he was going to train us on the devices we both chuckled. I mean we had just turned in 2 devices that were exactly like the ones we got. Then Carla (My best friend in the whole world) in formed him that I have a side business of teaching people how to use their new phones.

The bad: The sales rep failed to add my name on the account and also failed to put in my zip code for the porting of our numbers. So when I called to find out what was up they wouldn't tell me crap-o-la! So I got ahold of Carla and we got the account all figured out and the numbers ported... and all was fine....So I thought.

The ugly: This morning I am setting at Starbucks as I do on my days off, having coffee and decided to start moving my apps over to the SD card. I use an app called "Superbox Pro" with just a click it will give me a list of apps that can be moved over from internal to external storage. I don't move all the apps over as some work better in the internal storage, so I picked an app and went to move it over and guess what.... No option to move it over. I try another one... Same thing. So I call and talk to a rep at T-Mobile, she in turn passes me off to a tech. The tech tells me that only a few apps can be moved and to try moving "Need for Speed" over as she has that one moved on her phone. I tell her I don't have that app. She says I do, it comes pre-loaded on the device. insert eye roll here So she then tells me that I will need to do a factory reset to get the option to move apps. I ask her if she is sending me an update to the phone so the phone will have the program needed. She says no its already in the phone..... I bite my tongue and am being polite as I can when I tell her "I will bet you money that, that wont do a damn thing but cause me a few hours of work setting up the phone again." Her answer was "Sir I am a tech, this will work" Guess what.....

I'm sorry but I have yet to get a tech in the last year or so that knew which way was up, I'm sure they are out there but I haven't had the pleasure of meeting one.

Now after all this I tell her that I teach people how to use their phones and trouble shoot issues... She then hangs up on me. To make it better I go online to see if anyone else has had this issue with the T-Mobile phone, guess what.. T-Mobile hasn't done the apps to SD card update yet... But that tech told me she had an app moved one hers? Maybe she has a test phone who knows... well she doesn't obviously.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully it gets better. That's some crazy stuff and I hope for your sake that it's not a sign of things to come.
