I ordered a Caseology Matte Finish TPU case from Mercury U.S.A. for my S4. The price was great $6.49 with shipping. I wasn't overly excited about it getting here as it didn't come in my favorite color (Red). But the blue did look good on their Amazon.com website. Well it arrived yesterday in the mail. The textured back reminds me of those good ol blue jeans
The color looks like them as well when those jeans were new The edges are a smooth black, but not slick, easy to hold a grip on. The cutouts are well placed, but there is a mystery cutout in the upper right hand corner that I have yet to figure out. My best guess without looking into it would be that its for better antenna reception or maybe there is some sort of strap that you can place between the phone and case, running it through that hole. If you know, or have a wild idea post a comment and educate the Duck, I'm good like that. Here are a couple of pics of the case. Maybe soon they will get a red one and make me happy.
Its all about making the Duck happy you know

For those of you who don't know I like to have choices on cases. Depending on how I feel and what I'm doing that day I will "Dress" my phone. I have a very active job and have broke more than a few holsters doing it. A case is the best way of protecting my device. Although I do not like the idea of the bulky cases, a few of my friends love them. Sound off, what if any case to use to protect your loved one?
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