I know this is normally a blog on phones and tech, and it still is sort of. I am using all the tech I own just about on this trip. In fact I'm writing this on my new Gallaxy Tab 6. I have both my phones and all the goodies that go with them. I have my laptop and of corse I have my Canon camera. I planed this trip for months. Yellowstone has been on my bucket list as long as I've had one. Photographing the wildlife here has as well.
I arrived in West Yellowstone today and was planning on just seeing the town. That didn't workout so well. By noon I was in line to buy my pass into the park and then was heading to old faithful. I wasn't there to see it blow, I was there to pick up my walking stick madallion.I got 3 from there and I also picked one up from one of the many gift shops in town. On my way there I ran into a few Bison along the way. I couldn't really stop and get good photo's but I got a few pictures. (To me photos and pictures are not the same thing)
This morning I will be heading out to where the wolf pack has been seen hanging out. They have 18 new pups and I would love to get a few shots of them as well as the adualts. From what I hear even with my 600mm lens they will be far off. But I should be able to zoom in and still have some good photos. Over the next week or so I wll travel the park and see it in all its glorry, follow along with me as I check off things on my "Bucket list tour"